Johns Hopkins University hosts myriad events throughout the year, welcoming internal and external audiences on campus, virtually, and across the globe. Whether it’s a formal affair or casual lecture, attendees should be able to easily identify the Johns Hopkins brand in the event materials, promotion, and space.
The following resources and tools will help you plan and market an official Hopkins event.
Event Graphics
Custom event graphics can be considered for time-bound events, campaigns, and initiatives, with special consideration given to events with external or universitywide audiences. These graphics can be used on event collateral and merchandise, but are not required and should be used sparingly in combination with the Johns Hopkins University brand. Review the examples below to see if your event qualifies for a graphic. If you’re not sure where your event falls, please consult with us at [email protected]. If your event does not qualify for a graphic, please use only approved Johns Hopkins University branding elements for promotion and present the event name in type.
Event Types
Does Not Qualify for a Graphic
Does Qualify for a Graphic
Event Graphic Guidelines
When an event graphic is permitted, follow these guidelines for design and usage. The University Communications team is happy to provide feedback on your event graphic. Please submit it to [email protected] for review. Include the event graphic, or a variation, on all event communications.

Include in your graphic who or what is being celebrated and the date or year of the event.

Leverage the Johns Hopkins University color palette and typography in your graphic. Alternative fonts should be limited and used strategically.

Display the JHU logo, or a divisional equivalent, on all event communications and promotional items to signify this is an official event. The event graphic should be separated from the JHU logo by imprint area or adequate clear space. Graphic can also include text reference to “Johns Hopkins University.”

Don’t use the event graphic beyond the term of the event (i.e. outside of the year of an anniversary). If the event is recurring, the same graphic should be used each time, updated with the new date/year, to ensure consistency and awareness among your audience.

Don’t use event graphics on official stationery or in email signatures, unless special permission is granted by University Communications for strategic initiatives.

Don’t appropriate any official university logos or graphic elements, including shields and spirit marks.
Event Marketing Resources
Hub Events Calendar
By submitting information about your event to the Hub’s calendar, you can ensure it reaches a broad, universitywide audience. The Hub will publish and promote listings for events open to members of the JHU community that take place on a Hopkins campus or are sponsored by a Hopkins group. Send questions to [email protected].
Design Templates
Templates are available to create on-brand marketing materials for your event. You can access a limited set of free templates, including flyers, presentations, and digital signage, via Canva and Microsoft. You can request access to our Marq portal if you require advanced event templates, including nametags, invitations, menus, and more.
Are you planning to order merchandise or giveaways for your event? Don’t forget to build in time for licensing review. Follow the steps on our Merchandise page for easy ordering.
When planning an event, consider using branded backdrops and signage to help incorporate the Johns Hopkins brand into the physical space. University Communications has a selection of resources (tablecloths, backdrops, pop-up banners) available for rent—contact [email protected] for more information.