Behavioral Health Crisis Hotline

Call and Connect.
Department(s) Responsible: Student Well-Being & University Communications
Goal: Raise awareness within the student body and community for the new 24/7 resource that pairs behavioral health clinicians with specially trained public safety personnel to provide immediate in-person assistance to individuals experiencing a personal crisis.
Deliverables & Design Thinking: The Behavioral Health Crisis Support Line launched in May 2021 and was promoted heavily from May through September of that year. Stakeholder interviews helped determine that immediate connection to a person was a key benefit to students and informed the emphasis on “Call and Connect” throughout campaign materials. Purple was selected from the JHU accent palette for this campaign since that color had been used by the Department of Well-Being for previous materials specific to mental health resources.
- Campaign look and feel (focusing on the “Call and Connect” CTA and using a secondary purple as an accent color, given its connection to the mental health field)
- Digital signage
- Environmental branding (including temporary outdoor banners and window installations, activating high-traffic areas like the recreation center)
- Paid social media ads
- Giveaways
- HUB coverage
Outcome: As of January 1, 2023, there were more than 700 visitors to the campaign landing page from social ads. The Flock Talk feature was viewed 26,477 times on Instagram and reached 17,476 followers and 2,401 non-followers. The program’s promising early results influenced expanding its coverage to the Peabody/Mount Vernon and East Baltimore campuses.

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