
Student and Alumni Uses


All students and alumni are responsible for ensuring proper use of the JHU Name and Marks in the conduct of their individual activities.

JHU students and alumni may refer to their status as students at or alumni of JHU for purposes of identifying themselves, provided that the reference is consistent with the principles and guidelines set forth herein, is factual and accurately represented, and does not have the potential to suggest or imply JHU involvement, endorsement, or approval.


Undergraduate student organizations recognized by the JHU Student Government Association must request approval to use the JHU name from the university Office of Communications. Undergraduate student organizations that receive approval to use the JHU name may use it only in a locational sense as part of the name of their organization; for example, the organization may be called the Karate Club at Johns Hopkins but not the Hopkins Karate Club.

Graduate student organizations must request approval to use the JHU name from the university Office of Communications. Graduate student organizations that receive such approval may reference the name of the appropriate graduate school but generally may not reference the Johns Hopkins University unless specifically authorized to do so. Further, a graduate student organization approved to use the name of the appropriate JHU graduate school may use it only in a locational sense as part of the name of the organization. Where a student organization’s name has the potential to be confusing or misleading as to whether the organization is a student organization, JHU will require it to include Student Organization in its name.

For example, a student organization would not be permitted to use the name Johns Hopkins Investment Group or Carey Business School Investment Group because these names do not use “Johns Hopkins University” or “Carey Business School” in a locational sense only. Nor would a student organization be permitted to use the name the Investment Group at the Carey Business School or the Investment Group at Johns Hopkins University. Although these student- organization names correctly use “Johns Hopkins University” and “Carey Business School” in a locational sense, the names have the potential of giving the student organizations the appearance that they are JHU organizations or agents of JHU instead of student organizations. To clarify that these organizations are student organizations, the proper names for them would be the Investment Group Student Organization at the Carey Business School and the Investment Group Student Organization at the Johns Hopkins University.

Both undergraduate and graduate student organizations must make clear in any public materials or information distributed or displayed that the organization is a student organization. For any event or activity put on by an undergraduate or graduate student organization, the organization must make clear in any public materials or information distributed or displayed that the event or activity is sponsored and run by the student organization.

Student organizations may not use JHU’s name or their affiliation with JHU in any manner that may have the potential to suggest or imply JHU endorsement, approval, support of, or opposition to events, activities, products, services, companies, policies, political and/or social movements, political candidates, and the like without prior JHU approval. In circumstances presenting the potential for any of the foregoing, JHU will require the student organization to use appropriate disclaimers.

Student organization logos may not include the JHU or school name. A student organization may not use any altered version of any JHU logos or marks as a student organization logo, and may not use logos that are similar to JHU logos or marks as the student organization’s logo. A student organization must obtain approval of its logo from its school’s communications office (for graduate students) or the university Office of Communications (for undergraduates). For logos that are approved, the student organization must include in legible font underneath the logo the phrase “A [JHU or school name] Student Organization” if this is not otherwise clear in the logo.


Using the JHU name to identify student and alumni businesses, projects, studies, activities, events, and the like suggests or implies a close connection with JHU and/or JHU responsibility, sponsorship, or endorsement. Approval is required prior to any such use, and if approved, a disclaimer of JHU responsibility, endorsement, or sponsorship may be required.

Generally, identifying a business, project, study, activity, event, or the like with the JHU name— for example, the Johns Hopkins University Hydrofracking Monitoring Project—would not be approved unless the project were institution-wide, with significant institutional accountability and broad institutional involvement, and unless there were no issues of potential confusion with other activities at JHU or elsewhere.

In some circumstances, an approved use may instead be a reference, in a locational sense, to the appropriate JHU school, for example, the Project on Hydrofracking Monitoring at the Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts & Sciences. In other circumstances, the approved use will not reference either JHU or the appropriate school, for example, the Project on Hydrofracking Monitoring.

Requests for approval should be submitted to the specific school’s or division’s communications office, which may consult with the university Office of Communications.


Making presentations in legitimate academic forums is an important aspect of the research and education missions of JHU. JHU students and alumni may reference their status as students or alumni of JHU for identification purposes when giving talks at scientific or academic society and association meetings, at other institutions, and in other academic settings as well, for example in videotapes and other recordings of scientific or educational presentations such as those listed above.

However, students’ and alumni’s reference to their status and affiliation with JHU must be factual and accurate, and must not create an appearance of JHU endorsement or approval of the viewpoints expressed in the presentation. If there is the potential for the appearance of JHU support or endorsement of the viewpoint expressed by the students or alumni in the presentation, appropriate disclaimers must be made. Requests for approval and guidance on appropriate disclaimer language should be submitted to the school’s or division’s communications office, which may consult with the university Office of Communications.


Publication of scholarly books and articles is central to the JHU educational mission. JHU students and alumni may reference their status as students or alumni of JHU for identification purposes when writing or contributing to professional publications, provided that:

  • The reference is factual and accurate;
  • Use of the JHU name does not create an appearance of institutional responsibility, endorsement, or approval; and
  • JHU’s name does not appear in larger font than the name(s) of the author(s).

If there is the potential for the appearance of JHU involvement, responsibility, support, or endorsement of the publication, appropriate disclaimers must be made. Requests for approval and guidance on appropriate disclaimer language should be submitted to the school’s or division’s communications office, which may consult with the university Office of Communications.


Independent or student publications must receive prior approval to use the JHU name. Approval is generally not granted when the use of the JHU name has the potential to imply or suggest an official connection with JHU or JHU involvement, responsibility, approval, or endorsement of the publication. Any approved use of the JHU name is subject to all terms, conditions, and/or restrictions that JHU may in its discretion impose.

Independent or student publications that have been granted approval to use the JHU name must identify the publication in a prominent location and in prominent size font as “An independent [student] publication.” Such publications must also include the following disclaimer in a prominent location and prominent size font:

[Name of independent or student entity], an independent [student] entity located at Johns Hopkins University, produced and is entirely responsible for the form, format, content, and all other aspects of this publication. This publication was not reviewed by Johns Hopkins University, and the university does not endorse or approve this publication. This publication does not necessarily express or reflect the policies, positions, or opinions of the university.

Requests for approval should be submitted to the university Office of Communications.


The JHU name may not be used on student or alumni websites or by students or alumni in social media without prior JHU approval, except for factual and accurate references to an individual’s status as a student or alumnus/alumna of JHU for identification purposes.

The JHU Name and Marks may not be used on any student websites or social media for any use that has the potential to imply or suggest JHU endorsement or approval of any programs, events, publications, viewpoints, positions, policies, political and/or social movements, products, services, companies, or activities. JHU will require a disclaimer to accompany the use if it has the potential to suggest or imply improper endorsement. Requests for approval should be submitted to the school or division’s communications office, which may consult with the university Office of Communications.

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